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Monday Mix: Social Media News You May Have Missed – Susan's Site
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Monday Mix: Social Media News You May Have Missed

Halloween and Day Light Savings Time are over. As we move into November, here’s some social media news you can use:

Tumblr Updates Header and Post Looks: Tumblr just announced two changes to the viewer dashboard affecting headers and posts. Headers are now sticky, meaning that they will remain within view while scrolling. And posts have been updated to appear wider across a user’s Tumblr feed.

YouTube Adds Creator Credits Feature: YouTube channels with at 10,000 subscribers will find that YouTube has given them a new feature – Creator Credits. Creator Credits lets channel managers give credit to video collaborators like directors and writers and direct viewers to their collaborators’ channels. Prior to the introduction of this feature, many channel managers would add creator credits within their videos’ description section.

Facebook Makes Photo Post Upload for Mobile Easier: Facebook added a new step to the mobile photo uploads designed to improve the process. The new step to the mobile photo upload process allows users to select the order photos should be displayed. Once the photo order is selected, users can view a preview before adding captions and finalizing their newly uploaded album. The feature is available for both iOS and Android.Monday_Mix_ improvementstophotopostsonmobile_1

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