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Monday Mix: Social Media News You May Have Missed – Susan's Site
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Monday Mix: Social Media News You May Have Missed

It’s June and that means summer and its bounty of delicious fruits and veggies are coming into season. While you wait for your favorites like peaches or heirloom tomatoes to come around, here’s some social media news:

Tumblr Adds GIF Search: Tumblr has added a GIF search button to their compose window for users. The GIF search is intended to help users who might feel a moving image better represents their thoughts. Tumblr GIF search

Instagram Opens Ad Platform: Instagram has opened advertising to all businesses. Instagram had tested ads with a limited number of companies for the last year prior to this recent announcement.

Pinterest to Introduce Buyable Pins: Pinterest will rollout buyable pins, allowing purchases from pins, in the coming weeks. Buyable pins will be indicated by the inclusion of a blue price. Buyable pins will begin to rollout in a few weeks for US Pinterest iPhone and iPad users and later for Android and desktop users.

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