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Monday Mix: Social Media News You May Have Missed – Susan's Site
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Monday Mix: Social Media News You May Have Missed

October is here and that means Halloween is on its way. Until it arrives, here are some social media updates to know about as you start your week.

Instagram Makes Embedded Images Larger and User Accounts More Followable: On Thursday, Instagram released a couple changes to the look of embedded images. Instagram embedded images now appear larger with a narrower frame. A follow button now appears above the image so viewers are more likely to follow the image’s creator on Instagram.

Quicksprout Analyzes Social Media Use by Gender: Quicksprout analyzed the use of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and YouTube by gender. The study outlined the overall popularity of each network and how much that use was comprised of women and men. The results were distilled into a handy infogrpahic, which you can read below: 

Privacy Questions Emerge About Ello: Since the buzz about Ello as an alternative to Facebook reached a fever pitch, a number of privacy concerns have arisen. The concerns include whether Ello will remain ad-free, how much information are they really tracking, and if they will introduce privacy controls for user accounts. As the site continues to grow, it’s certain that more people will be asking these questions.

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