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Monday Mix: Social Media News You May Have Missed – Susan's Site
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Monday Mix: Social Media News You May Have Missed

It’s the end of March but before we head into a new month, here some social media and technology updates you should be aware of:

LinkedIn Launches Content Marketing Score and Trending Content Features: In order to the many brands that do not feel effective at content marketing, LinkedIn launched the Content Marketing Score. This new analytics tool, scores your paid and organic content by measuring unique divided by total target audience. The score ranks brands against their competitors and offers suggestions on improving your score. Complimenting the Content Marketing Score is another new feature, Trending Content. Trending Content ranks topics that resonate with users so brands can understand what topics matter to their audience.

Instagram Use Set to Surpass Twitter on Mobile: A newly released report by eMarketer found that in 2013, Instagram use grew 35% in 2013. The study found that nearly 35 millions Americans visited Twitter on mobile at least once per month and 43.2 million visited Instagram. Instagrams continued growth and nature as a mobile-based app, indicates usage rates greater than Twitters for 2014.

Instagram Now at 200 Million Users: Instagram’s worldwide audience has reached the 200 million user milestone, with 50 million of those users coming aboard within the last six months. Users in the United States account for about 34% of Instagram’s total users.

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