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Use Social Media Request Forms to Save Your Work Sanity – Susan's Site
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Use Social Media Request Forms to Save Your Work Sanity

Have you ever had a colleague ask you about lackluster attendance or sales for an event you never even knew you were supposed to be promoting on social media?

Have you ever been called out for not using specially-created logos or images on social media for an upcoming event or campaign?

Have you ever forgotten to thank an important sponsor or partner on social media because you weren’t made aware you needed to?

If you answered “yes” to any or all of the above, then you’ve no doubt fallen victim to the communications breakdown that often happens to social media managers and teams.

Even with a clear chain of command or plan of action, sometimes critical information that needs to be included in a social media campaign is overlooked.

One way to help your team give you what you need to support organization projects on social media is to create and use a social media request form.

There’s no right or wrong way to structure a social media request form but all good request forms should ask for the following:

  • Accountability
    • Campaign/Event Key Contact Name(s)
  • About the Campaign/Event
    • Campaign/Event Name (if applicable)
    • Purpose/description of campaign/event
    • Taglines or hashtags
    • Link to website or webpage audience should visit
    • Handles to be included in posts (be sure to ask if those handles belong to special guests, sponsors, or partners)
  • Media
    • Image (ask for link to image content or source)
    • Video (ask for link to video content or source)
  • Social Media
    • Channels (provide checkboxes for channels your organization is on)
    • – Scheduling (inquire about campaign start and end dates and/or other preferences for exact message posting)

Simplify the process by creating an online form that can be customized for your organizations needs. You might want to customize your form to take into account messaging in different languages for a diverse audience or even make a simple change such as adding your organization’s newest social media channels.

For some inspiration on social media request forms, take a look at the following from organizations in varying sectors:

And if you have a good social media form that might inspire others, make sure to share a link to it in the comments.

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