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Keeping up with changing social media trends and platforms can be daunting to small organizations looking to get the most out of online marketing to support and promote their services.  There is no one-size-fits-all approach to utilizing social media and not all social media platforms may be right for your organization.  I offer advice and support on how to get started in a way that fits your needs and capabilities.

  • Online Marketing Audit
    Find out what isn’t working with your current online marketing activities and learn where areas for opportunity lie. Receive an industry and direct competitor analysis to see where you stack up. Clients will also receive a brief outline of actionable strategies to incorporate in their online marketing program.
  • Social Media Coaching
    Gain the know-how and confidence you need to manage social media for your organization’s needs. I’ll help you identify the right social media channels for you, learn how to use those channels, and design content to help you build an authentic and engaged following.
  • Marketing Plan Coaching and Development
    Learn how to capitalize on your organization’s website, social media presence, and email list to drive results. You’ll learn how to create a cohesive month-to-month, week-to-week, and day-to-day to content strategy to drive results. Clients will also receive an executable three month marketing plan.
  • Social Media Management Support
    Whether you are unsure of how to get the conversation started on Twitter or Facebook or simply do not have enough time to devote to social media, I can help. I will develop content for use on your social media channels, reach out to your intended audience and identify knowledgeable people and organizations to connect with to help you build online community.
  • Conference Training
    Looking for a speaker who can provide social media training at your next conference? I can provide training for social networking in a language you and your members can understand. I will work with you and your conference organizers to determine what your audience needs, develop specialized presentation content and handout materials, if requested.
  • Social Media Event Coverage
    Open up your next conference or event to a wider community with live, on-site social media coverage. Allow others to join in your event from afar with real-time Twitter updates, Facebook video, Instagram, and Snapchat updates. There’s no need for distance or cost to keep your community from participating when they can follow and interact with events as they happen.