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social networking – Page 2 – Susan's Site
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social networking

Stack of differently colored knits

Friends with Good Taste

A recent article in The New York Times highlighted an innovative marketing campaign unveiled by the clothing retailer, J. Crew.  In a departure from the traditional clothing marketing campaign wherein a retailer tries to convince buyers that their lives are incomplete without… Read More »Friends with Good Taste

Blue eye expressing fear

Fear Factor

Recently, I had the honor of presenting two workshops on social networking at The Association of Junior Leagues International, Inc. 2010 Fall Leadership Conference in Portland, Oregon. In planning for my presentations I made sure to include a significant amount of time… Read More »Fear Factor

feet of a baby crawling

Learning to Walk

Before you learned to walk, you had to learn to crawl.  Along the way, you probably fell and tripped over your feet.  Despite your missteps, you got up, brushed yourself off and kept moving. Establishing yourself via social networking requires… Read More »Learning to Walk

two stacks of building blocks

The Basics: Part 2

A social media policy is not to be confused with a social media strategy.  The latter refers to the plan that guides an organization’s adoption and use of social media.  The former refers to the rules of what constitutes appropriate… Read More »The Basics: Part 2