[VIDEO] How To Create a Google+ Page
Now that Google+ has released brand pages, it seems a lot of organizations are looking to dive right in and create their own. The video in this post will guide you through the process of creating a brand page.
Now that Google+ has released brand pages, it seems a lot of organizations are looking to dive right in and create their own. The video in this post will guide you through the process of creating a brand page.
The following series will look at the results of several reports released during the 2010 year examining nonprofit use of social media. Part 2: Facebook Who is using Facebook? Among the nonprofit sample groups surveyed, between 73-86% reported using Facebook.… Read More »A Look at Nonprofit Social Media Use Studies
A recent article in The New York Times highlighted an innovative marketing campaign unveiled by the clothing retailer, J. Crew. In a departure from the traditional clothing marketing campaign wherein a retailer tries to convince buyers that their lives are incomplete without… Read More »Friends with Good Taste
In September, I will be teaching two workshops on social media for nonprofits at the Fall Leadership Conference of The Association of Junior Leagues International, Inc. As soon as I was offered the opportunity to speak at their conference I… Read More »The Basics: Part 1