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Rhyming Social Media Advice for Nonprofit Board Members – Susan's Site
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Rhyming Social Media Advice for Nonprofit Board Members

In keeping with this month’s Nonprofit Carnival Theme, here is some advice for nonprofit board members…in rhyme.
Photo by Kathleen Tyler Conklin on Flickr

Dear Nonprofit Board Member,
Your nonprofit appreciates your endeavor
But there is one place your effort is lacking
on social media, your nonprofit doesn’t have your backing.

Are you afraid to be branded a slacktivist?
Afraid of adding something else to your to-do list?
Once you know what to do, you shouldn’t resist
Just remember the ideas in this rhyming list

Surely you’re already on LinkedIn to show professionally what you do
But while you’re there, take a moment or two
To add your nonprofit board work and connect with others who do too
You can also use LinkedIn as a recruiting tool to round out your board pool

While you’re on Facebook admiring your friend’s cute tyke
Navigate to your nonprofit’s page and give it a like
Consider adding to content your comments and sharing
It shows others a cause and nonprofit worth their caring

Sharing your nonprofit’s work and accolades would be a treat
Think blog links & press releases for content that can’t be beat
Twitter’s 140-character limit requires you make it short and sweet
Don’t have the words? Then just give your nonprofit a retweet

Adding social media to your board member role needn’t be a chore
It can be easy and shows the world the causes you stand for
So follow my advice give and your nonprofit the support they ask for

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