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Group Texting for Teams – Susan's Site
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Group Texting for Teams

When most people think of text messaging (SMS) as a nonprofit tool, most tend to think of it as a tool for fundraising, advocacy, sending calls-to-action or growing your organization’s email list. However, texting can also be used as a tool for internal organizing within your staff or volunteer group. Group texting can be used to send time sensitive updates on last-minute scheduling changes, team project reminders, or real-time alerts during events when members of a team might be distributed throughout a space and calling would be difficult. If your work group or volunteer team might benefit from group texting, consider any of the following group texting tools:

GroupMe logo  

GroupMe is a texting and conference calling application. Similar to how a private chat room would have its own unique web address, GroupMe provides groups a unique phone number. When a user wants to text or call the members of group all they have to do is use the unique number instead of texting or calling each member individually. It should be noted that GroupMe caps groups at 25 people and currently only functions within the United States. GroupMe is available as a free application for iPhone, Android and, most, Blackberry smartphones.

Kik logo  

Kik is actually a messaging service similar to AOL Instant Messenger that also has a mobile application that allows for messaging between smart phones. Kik also differentiates itself as a group texting application by allowing users to send photos within messages. Messages don’t count towards a user’s SMS quota, if their phone plan has one, and instead uses data to send and receive messages. Groups on Kik are limited to 10 people and the application is only available for iPhone and Android phones.

Pulse logo  

Pulse allows users to create and send messages to their groups either via phone or computer. A group is known as a Pulse. Pulse has no limits on group member numbers or is open to members outside the United States. Pulse differs in a number of ways from other group texting services, namely creators can set group preferences so that only they are capable of sending messages to the group and no application is required to use Pulse. The creator of a Pulse sets up a personal user account online and once registered create and name their group(s). Instead of sending a text to a group of individuals, Pulse creators send address their messages to the group name.




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