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Monday Mix: Social Media News You May Have Missed – Susan's Site
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Monday Mix: Social Media News You May Have Missed

Happy Monday! Here’s to getting your week off to a good start with the latest social media updates you may have missed.

Pinterest Adds News Notifications for Mobile Users: Mobile Pinterest users now have a News notification section on their app with the latest updates from pinners, brands, and boards they follow. There is a good chance the news notification feature will be updated as Pinterest receives feedback from users so stay tuned.Monday_Mix_Pinterest_News

Facebook Improves App Link Analytics Support: Facebook’s recent updates for app developers makes it easier to segment and analyze mobile traffic from app links. Mobile traffic analytics can be viewed from Facebook App Insights. Full technical details of how this works can be found on the Facebook Developers blog.

Vine Releases Several Updates for Easier and Better Video Creation: Vine is now giving users a feature many have asked for: the ability to import existing video from their phone. Users can mix imported video with video shoot on Vine. New features also include the ability to duplicate video clips, mute sound, and preview and undo clips. Users in need of more control now have a camera grid, focus lock for both front- and rear-facing cameras, ghost mode for viewing your last shot frame, and torch feature for shooting in low light. As of this writing, the latest Vine updates are only available for iOS and are coming to Android.

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