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Monday Mix: Social Media News You May Have Missed – Susan's Site
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Monday Mix: Social Media News You May Have Missed

Hope everyone had a lovely Valentine’s weekend. Now that you’re likely out of last week’s chocolate and sweets coma, here are some social media updates you should know about:

  • Facebook Lets Users Designate Control Over Their Accounts After They Pass: Facebook introduced new feature that allows users to select a friend who will have access to their account in the event of their death. The designated person is referred to as a legacy contact and can be selected through an account’s security settings. The legacy contact is notified via email and can only access the account they’ve been given permission for once Facebook has been notified the user has died. A user can allow their legacy contact the option to download all their content and/or permanently delete their account.
  • Relevance Scores Now Available for Facebook Ads: Facebook has introduced relevance scores as a new metric in its ad reporting tools. The relevance score is based on a range between 1-10 with one as the lowest score. The score is calculated according to the positive interactions users have with an ad, the positive interactions being the objective of the ad (i.e. conversion, view a video, etc.). The purpose of the relevance score is to help advertisers design better ad campaigns.
  • Pinterest Now Offering iOS App Downloads from Pins: Pinterest has added greater functionality to their platform by making it possible to download iOS apps from pins. Pins linking to apps will display an “Install” button from which a user can download an app to their iPhone or iPad. Users can also pin apps directly from the App Store for others to download.Monday_Mix_Pinterest_iOS_app_download

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