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Monday Mix: Social Media News You May Have Missed – Susan's Site
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Monday Mix: Social Media News You May Have Missed

Winter may not officially have arrived yet but winter weather sure has. For those of you who have been trying to stay warm and dry, here are the social media updates you should know about:

Twitter Updates Abuse Reporting System: Twitter has enhanced its abuse reporting system in response to criticism over how it has handled violations of its terms and service around conduct. The changes to Twitter’s abuse reporting system include simplified reporting from its mobile app, the need for less information when reporting, and the ability to report abuse users see but aren’t experiencing directly. Users who have blocked accounts can quickly access a page listing those blocked accounts from their settings menu.Monday_Mix_Twitter_webblock_final_2

Twitter Adds New Photo Filters to its Mobile Apps: Twitter has added new photo filters for both iOS and Android app users. Twitters photo filters, like Instagram’s, can be adjusted for intensity.

Tumblr Adds Purchase and Pledge Buttons to Posts: Tumblr users who find something they want to buy on Etsy or Artsy can now pin this items to Tumblr for later purchase. Pledges can also be similarly made to contribute to projects on Kickstarter or DoSomthing.

Snapchat Invites Users to Create Geofilters: Snapchat is now inviting users to add to their newly grown library of geofilters for snaps. Users who are interested in contributing a geofilter simply have to visit Snapchat’s Community Geofilter website. Proposed Snapchat geofilter artwork must be original and approved by Snapchat before it is added to the existing geofilter library.

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