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Monday Mix: Social Media News You May Have Missed – Susan's Site
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Monday Mix: Social Media News You May Have Missed

Happy Labor Day! Catch up some social media updates then make sure to enjoy the rest of your free day.

Google Ends Authorship: Google Authorship, a way to create content to a user’s Google+ profile, has come to an end. Google found that many users weren’t using authorship, found it difficult to set up, or just didn’t find value in it. Google Authorship isn’t entirely going away as it will still be available for posts made to Google+.

Twitter Opens Analytics Dashboard for All Users: In a tweet, Twitter announced that it has officially made its analytics dashboard and tools available to all users. When Twitter first released its analytics tools it was only to verified users and advertisers. Now all Twitter users can get insight into their followers and Tweet impressions and engagement.

Instagram Introduces New Digital Storytelling App, Hyperlapse: Instagram released, Hyperlapse, an app for creating high-quality time-lapse videos. The app instantly opens to camera and requires a tap to begin recording. After recording is completed, playback speed is selected, and saved video can be uploaded to Instagram and Facebook. The app is free but is now only available for iOS.Monday_Mix_Hyperlapse

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